Re-growing Lettuce | Lessons in Farming
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Re-growing Lettuce
If you have been on Pinterest lately you’ve seen pins about re-growing Romaine Lettuce.
It’s not a hard concept. Stick the crown end in water after you’ve cut off all the lettuce. I figured I ‘d give it a shot and I have to say, so far I have been amazed. We’ll see what happens going forward.
Day 1
Day 2
Day 4
All I did was pop the lettuce into a jar of water. Every other day I have rinsed off the crown and changed out the water.
PS: I do not recommend slicing a bit off the bottom when re-growing romaine. It makes the lettuce grow slower.
Sliced Crown Day 2:
Sliced Crown Day 4
Have you ever tried re-growing a vegetable?
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252 thoughts on “Re-growing Lettuce"
marlene | January 26, 2014 at 15:45
Amanda…i just have to tell you I just said the exact thing…this blows my mind! My daughter and her friend thought that was quite a strong reaction for lettuce! Then I read your post and cracked up! And of course shared with the girls…SEE??! This is a normal reaction!!
Brenda | February 22, 2014 at 18:42
I’m growing the lettuce in a jar, how do I know when to plant it in soil?
vintagejenta | April 1, 2013 at 11:13
Apparently you can also do this with scallions? But only if you just cut off the green tops, not the white part.
Yep, and as long as you rinse the roots often(I do them once a week) they will last through another 2-3 cuttings. After that they get spindly and I toss them into the stock starters.
You can use most of the white, too. I’ve tried this one. the hard part is finding something that doesn’t allow the onion to fall over in the water. My mom suggested putting them in a pot with dirt and just keep the dirt moist. That should work, since I’ve cut scallions already in the dirt and they do regrow.
Eric | January 22, 2014 at 17:45
Put rubber bands over top and around bottom. Will keep things in place.
Lynley | January 22, 2014 at 18:28
I have a green onion that I stuck directly in the soil. It’s growing great! it has a nice size bulb and some greens popping up. I should harvest it but I’m to fascinated that it actually grew.
What if a person stuck toothpicks in the onions, like you do for Avocados to re-start a plant? You could use toothpicks in any of the veggies to keep in upright and they won’t fall or tip under the water level!
Diane Lennon | January 23, 2014 at 17:34
Use toothpicks on each side and put into a glass. I just read that you can do this with carrots, potatoes and onions. I might just try it.
Susan F Kepner | January 24, 2014 at 23:15
Vmeakins, how do you grow the scallions? I always cut the roots off, before using them. Do you cut them within an inch from the roots, in order to grow them up again?
Dani | January 25, 2014 at 12:45
Use short skinny glass as in the kind that pimento cheese spread comes in as the scallions or green onions stand up in perfectly
My lettuce wouldn’t stand up either until I put toothpicks in three places around the lower part. The lettuce is doing great now.
Regina McGlashen | January 27, 2014 at 15:49
use a screen material and place over top of container, make holes large enough for stalks. you can hold the screen down on the outer edges with a rubber band or a string. this allows sunlight through and is easy for rinsing and replacing water.
How about stretching old pantyhose over the jar and poke a hole in the nylon for each onion.
I’ve planted my in the garden & they have spread & regrown for the past year
Tara | January 30, 2014 at 08:22
you could also try cutting an x in a square of spundge and placing the white end of the scallion in ot then submerging the spunge in water this will hold them up right and access to water
Toothpicks could work like when sprouting an avacado seed or pineapple top. It would beeasier and cleaner
That does work, put the white part with the brown spindly ends into the soil and water, i have had this going for a few months, i just cut the green and it continues to grow. it is on my kitchen window sill. just remember to water it.
Mark | March 12, 2014 at 18:10
stick 4 toothpicks in the union and put it on top of a glass of water! works great!
Daniel Squires | March 14, 2014 at 05:29
tooth pics stuck in the onion to support it above the water line will work, also works well with avocado pits, and most any vegetable.
Andrea :) | March 25, 2014 at 15:31
That would make sense, because, if you haven’t ever had a yard full of them, wild onions do exactly the same thing when you mow them down! :) Thanks for the tip! Very excited to give this a try with the lettuce, as it does get pricey in the grocery store at times. :) Science project here we come!! :)
how about using florist tape across the top of jar like they do to make flower stem stand straight and apart.
John S | January 24, 2014 at 00:37
Maybe I cut too much off. It has never worked for me. Also, I usually stick them in the soil quite soon — maybe too soon… [sigh]… Well this is encouraging me to try again.
chenoa | January 26, 2014 at 14:08
they have to be organic for sure. otherwise they are gmo to prevent regrowth
Denise Borchert | January 31, 2014 at 02:57
Are you trying to grow new life in city water that is chlorinated? I once tried sprouting alfafa seeds and they wouldn’t sprout until I changed to using well water (or botled purified water) to sprout them in
Cynbriar | March 2, 2014 at 20:01
GMO was designed to enable glycophosphate to be used in fields to control weeds, not to prevent regrowth. The chemical stays within the plant grown and is ingested by us making this very dangerous. The more chemical free we can be the safer we will be. Try using distilled water instead of water with chlorine. Garden Cynde
I saw a couple mentions of using purified water here instead of tap water. Harvesting rain water is super easy, effective and free as well. Just a matter of leaving out a container when it rains.
I’ve cut my green onions/scallions down to a half inch and regrown them. :)
The white part is the root so you would not want to cut that off..I did this last year and I found that I had to stick them into a gravel base (like the aquarium kind, that small) to make them stand up and not rot. and keep it wet. I also had to rinse them nearly every day because it got kinda funky. There is probably a better way to do it….
Hi…I regrow scallions all the time….growing now…as long as you plant the root part it will grow….have them in a small planter in my front window….
Chef Tor Sporre’ says: cut the scallion off 1/2 inch above the base, not including roots. Plant outside preferably and harvest the part you need, white part too. Llike chives it will grow forever. AND survives the winter in our CT zone 6.
I have grown chives and grren onions every year. I live in the mountains and just leave them out side. When winter hits the chives die out like the onions BUT COME BACK IN THE SPRING WITH WATER.
I put scallions right into the soil. it works great. I clip each time I need some and they just keep growing. love the lettuce. will do that next.
I tried this with celery, but the cats kept drinking all the water out. Didn’t work so well. :-(
Darn cats! Mine like to chew the leaves so I have to chase them off the counter all day and protect the plants with the window blinds each night!
leah | January 25, 2014 at 14:20
I heard that if you clean your counters with vinegar the cats will stay away from anything on it.
Ginger | January 27, 2014 at 15:02
put pieces of aluminum foil on the counters the cats step on that and they don’t like they will jump right off ..dont lay it just flat kinda make it wrinkled a little
Kelly | March 16, 2014 at 23:36
Mine don’t bother my basil plant but does chew on flowers in a vase, that vinegar idea sounds good!
My cat usted to jump up on counter for anything he could find. I don’t like cays on the counter so I set a couple of mouse traps on counter. One encounter with the mouse trap and no more cat on counter. Won’t hurt the cat just scare the hell out of him.
Sharon | January 24, 2014 at 10:24
I keep several celery going and when they get up so high I make another pot of potato soup!
Hahahaa, cats can be so crazy sometimes! I have a nutty cat too! :D
Jackie | January 24, 2014 at 14:36
Try growing wheat grass for your cat. My cat kept eating my chives (throwing it up later) I bought pet grass for him. He doesn’t eat my chives now. :)
Kirsten | January 24, 2014 at 19:05
Cats don’t like vinegar so maybe spray the jars? Or something. Good luck. I want to do this soon.
Try not to let your cats eat anything onion/chive/garlic related. From what I’ve seen and read, that family of veggies are toxic/lethal to cats
Dani | January 25, 2014 at 12:42
Jackie, buy wheat grass at the grocery store. Its the same as “cat grass" from the pet store but much more economical….
I think Chives might be in the onion family and that is bad for cats. Onions can make them really sick.
Nothing I mean NOTHING is going to keep a cat off someplace it wants to go.
Gwen | April 2, 2014 at 13:19
Teresa – please ignore the advice about mouse traps; those are a recipe for crushed toes, and nobody should be suggesting it unless they plan on paying to have your cat’s mangled paws surgically repaired or pay to have the limb amputated!!!
I have multiple cats, and they have been known to jump on the counter. You can get a motion-sensor device at a pet store that attaches straight to a can of air (after taking off the top to expose the tube) and it sprays a harmless loud SSSSHHHHH at them when it sees movement. It scares the heck out of them, and nobody has the chance of getting harmed.
audrey | January 30, 2014 at 14:20
ladys vegs does not hurt your cats or dogs i take and give my animals a mixer i make weekly
i take chix livers jiffy cornbread mix Onion power garlic power 2 eggs and cheese and mix all in my blender and pour it up in a baking dish and bake for 35 minutes when it ids done i slice up in strips and small peaces and but in snack bags and freeze till i need them i take out a couple of bags mic. for 30 seconds and that is my snacks for my babies they love it and keeps fleas off of them because of the garlic fleas don’t like the glaric that comes out of their pores so no vegs are not harmful ;like the vets say they just won’t you to buy their food and snakes-
Raw onions in quantity can poison dogs. Fleas don’t care one way or the other about garlic, they will feed on an animal reeking of garlic. Take it from a vet tech who’s seen way too many animals “treated" with garlic who need real flea preventative. Save your pets the torment and spring for something that actually works.
Gwen | January 31, 2014 at 18:39
as a veterinarian I will back up what daclifford said, and also add that garlic can poison your dog as well, the eggs and chicken livers are excellent sources of proteins/vitamins, the jiffy cornbread mix is eh, and I would avoid the onion and garlic powders you mentioned at all cost.
Pets and Onions
Each Layer Can Poison Your Pets
Many people love onions, and there are plenty of foods that we enjoy that contain them. As always, we must remember that what is great and tasty for us can be extremely harmful for our pets.Onions contain an ingredient called thiosulphate which is toxic to cats and dogs. The ingestion of onions causes a condition called hemolytic anemia, which is characterized by damage to the red blood cells. Onion toxicity can cause the red blood cells circulating through your pet’s body to burst.
Audrey, yes garlic and onions are toxic to dogs and cats. It is a well documented fact.
Kelly | March 16, 2014 at 23:40
I have heard the garlic does help w fleas and I use to chop it into their soft food, they r still around but that was a tough yr for fleas, garlic and brewers yeast didn’t help! Although switching away from “frontline" to “advantax" worked! I think the fleas have gotten resistant to frontline!
Velma Griffith | March 29, 2014 at 20:14
Onions will kill dogs. They can’t digest them. The powders might be okay,because they will mix with the other veggies. My vet told me never give a dog onion, garlic, chives and that sort of veggie.
We’ve tried that! We can get the plant to regrow, but we could never get it to grow fruit.
I understand it take about 20 months for the pineapple to fruit. Don’t know if I’m that patient. But it has nice foliage.
Naomi | January 22, 2014 at 09:38
I have done this with pineapple a few times. It makes a nice plant but I have never gotten fruit from it.
Caroline | January 22, 2014 at 10:36
Just FYI, pineapple foliage is poisonous to cats. I tried to grow one years ago and it nearly put my cat in a coma.
Tara | January 22, 2014 at 16:47
the regrown pineapple will never fruit. They are regrown as house plants
I planted a pineapple top – loved and cared for the beautiful plant for 5 years and she finally grew a baby pineapple. The baby took 6 months to mature. It was a very small fruit, but a fruit none-the-less.
Kimberly | January 22, 2014 at 19:56
It takes 16-24 months for pineapples to produce fruit and if you get cooler temps you most likely won’t get fruit at all.
Lynn | January 23, 2014 at 12:53
Amanda pineapples take at least 2 yrs to produce fruit. I have been growing them for yrs just be patient
Carla | January 23, 2014 at 17:09
We cut off the tops of the pineapples and plant them in soil. Takes a little while to ‘mature enough – but eventually they will grow a pineapple and thereafter will grow a new pineapple every 2 years. (We live in Florida – so we
put them directly in the yard – but I suppose they could be grown in tubs.) -
John S | January 24, 2014 at 00:41
Be patient…. It takes a pineapple plant about three years to produce one fruit. I have heard the process can be sped up some, byt grinding up about 1/2 of an aspirin tablet in 1/2 cup of water & pour the solution into the center of a 2-year-old pineapple plant.
Devin herndon | January 24, 2014 at 09:32
With a pineapple, you can’t cut the top off. You have to twist it off, so the root buds stay intact. This is the only way the new plant will produce fruit. Also it’s time consuming. Don’t expect to see fruit from this type of planting until at least the fourth year. The first couple years, it will just be a plant. Then the next couple years, you will get red or blue blooms, then the fruit will produce.
vickie | January 24, 2014 at 21:15
It only produces fruit once in 3 years. But left alone to grow with regular care, it will produce.
Take it from someone that grew up in Florida. It will take 2 years to grow your first pineapple… it works just hang in there.
Pineapple will regrow it takes 3 years for it to bear fruit. We had a plant in our backyard when we lived in Florida and the plant when we moved in had a pineapple on it we read up and replanted the top and wen we moved 3 years later our plant that we replanted had 3 pineapples on it and we ended up giving the plant to a friend as it was to large to move with us. There are some tips and tricks to trick the pineapple plant to produce sooner but have not had the time to try them yet.
Beverly | January 29, 2014 at 17:33
I’ve had good luck with the pineapple tops. We planted a top & quite a while later had a delicious pineapple & the mother put out pups.
Jenny | January 23, 2014 at 16:20
We have replanted our pineapples for years. They do take two years to produce a pineapple. After you cut that one, one or two more will grow (at the same time), then that is it. The plant will no longer produce fruit. So we pull that one out and plant another. We have several fifth and sixth generation plants. The best pineapple you will ever taste! Just be careful because the rabbits know when they are almost ripe and we have lost several.
Pineapples do well, i have done them and at this time have 2 going, the fruit is not quite as large, but just as sweet and yummy. Just stick them in the ground, no need to put the tops in water, yes the tops. Makes a beautiful plant while waiting for the fruit,i put mine out under a tree that gets semi hot sun.
Do you need to add anything to the water to receive nutrition (vitamins,minerals etc?)
I am not an expert, but I’ve seen worm castings for fertilizer, sold as a liquid at garden and home centers.
Jane Beard | January 22, 2014 at 11:22
It wouldn’t hurt to put a pinch of Miracle Grow in the water. I have gotten fresh basil that has roots and all, and planted it, that grows well. Potatoes would be really slow to get more, but the vines are neat.
Anwen | January 22, 2014 at 18:37
Nooooooooooooooo! Miracle Grow is NOT an organic fertilizer!
kent | January 29, 2014 at 18:36
Suzy, you can create your own fertilizer using many household items, like spent eggshells, old hair, vaccuum bag dust and coffee grounds. The best way is to mulch your used food items and mix it into the soil. The drawback is that mulching can be stinky and takes time. For a price there are mulching containers available at local hardware stores.
The whole purpose of growing veggies yourself is to stay away from GMO and poison. So why would you want to put Miracle Grow in it?
diamondace121 | January 23, 2014 at 16:47
The whole purpose of growing veggies yourself, for some people, is to not have to constantly buy them. Not everyone is concerned about fertilizers.
Margot | January 25, 2014 at 22:58
Uh, the -whole- purpose? That might be a common purpose, but I would do this because vegetables are expensive despite being an absolute necessity for any sort of healthy diet. It’s difficult to afford a vegetable based diet, and this is a way to significantly cut that cost. Most of us can’t afford to use our dollar vote for non-GMO and organic products, unfortunately. It’s not like we could afford miracle grow, either, though.
Lori Hadley | January 22, 2014 at 13:39
I have done this with celery and I now have cabbage rooted in water. After a week I have cabbage leaves. I am going to try planting it soon and see what happens.
I did this last year,ended up with two nice solid heads of cabbage by the end of summer. Tried Broccoli this year—started out good but then rotted..will try again.
Is a certain temperature range required or a certain amount of daylight per day, I live in an apartment?
you can do this with avacado seeds also you put toothpics around the seed to keep it from falling in the glass of water if you dont get fruit you will have an amazing plant
My understanding is that there are male and female avocado plants and that they need to be in the vicinity of each other to produce fruit.
I read an article where most avocado plants grown this way produce no fruit, that they have to be grafted. They said it was best to just buy a grafted plant for $10 bucks. The one I started is too small and if it never gives avocados, I’ll know why.
I may start sever just to see if the mail female thing is an issue but I do plan on buying a couple of grafted ones too.
Miguel A. Gonzalez | January 27, 2014 at 21:21
My dad has a single avocado tree… no others in the vicinity… produces lots of fruits yearly. But, as some have mentioned, grafting is necessary to get fruits from a young tree. When grown straight from seeds, they take years to fruit. Can take anywhere from 5 to 10 years before you see a fruit produced. Same goes for many other tropical fruits like mangoes and others. They need to be grafted with a fruit bearing mature tree for it to fruit.
Dodie H | January 23, 2014 at 10:06
The man next to me has planted both avocados and mangos from the seeds (pits) The mango produces great fruit still but the avocado is now slowed down its production of fruit because of the age.of the tree. These trees are about 20 feet high. He also planted a pineapple and it did grow fruit but took a long long time. He died about 5 years ago but was really proud of his accomplishments in his trees.
Issis | January 24, 2014 at 00:41
I now have about 6 young (2-3 years) grown from seeds, and 2 older trees. Trees grown from seed require about 6 years to produce fruit. The fruit is not always identical to the seed used to grow them. (i.e. Haas seeds may produce fruit that is somewhere inbetween Haas and other, larger, avocados). Some trees produce every other year. My 2 older trees, now 8-10 years old, are over 40′ tall and this year produced about 100+ excellent avocados. They produced about half of that two years ago but very little last year. The amount & size of fruit also depends on fertilization and watering. If you use grafts your tree will produce sooner, and the fruit will be identical to the parent tree. My trees grow in SW Florida.
I grow most vegetables by simply cutting off the root end (even if just a stub, like most vegetables purchased in stores) and sticking it in good soil. This includes lettuce, onions, spring onions, carrots, celery, etc. I also have 3 pineapples grown simply sticking the tops of store bought fruit in soil. They take several years to produce a pineapple. I grow orange, grapefruit and other fruit trees from seeds saved from purchased or grown fruit, and most other trees from cuttings. Most herbs can be grown from cuttings using water or soil..
John S | January 24, 2014 at 00:47
We started an avocado tree from a seed, this way. I think it took 7 years to get the first avocado fruit. Fall, 2013, was the first year the tree bore fruit. Of course unknown soil condition may also have been an issue.
lalala123 | January 24, 2014 at 22:39
I’ve tried so many times to grow avacado…. Never works for me :/
Cindy | January 22, 2014 at 17:19
I have re grown pineapple and did get it to give fruit… the pineapple was very small compared to those you purchase in the store but it was very sweet. It does take approx 2 to 3 years to produce
I have a very large pineapple plant about 5 years old how did you get it to fruit? and did it die after?
Cynthia | January 22, 2014 at 19:06
I out the cut out sprouts off of my potatoes and put them in my garden. At the md of summer when I was cleaning out the garden I found 5 potatoes. It was so cool!!!
Michelle | January 28, 2014 at 12:17
Growing up, we had a huge potato field. We would harvest enough to fill a 12 ft x 12 ft bin that could get 2-4 feet high. We ate off of them all winter long (every night for dinner was a potato dish), plus we canned up the new baby potatoes. By early spring, there were more than enough potatoes sprouting to replant. We cut the potatoes into pieces, leavening plenty of flesh around each eye/sprout. These are called potato seeds. Potatoes like a well drained, sandy-blend, fertile soil. I have heard/seen potatoes grown in bales of hay, totes filled with soil, and many other options. They are cheap enough, experiment away!
Cynbriar | March 2, 2014 at 19:53
Growing vegetables in hay can produce lots of weeds and mice infestation. Straw is a much better alternative. Make sure though to follow the directions and use a heavy nitrogen fertilizer and water it to allow the straw to heat up before planting. Garden Cynde
Ruth Trobridge | January 22, 2014 at 23:01
Pineapple can grow a smaller pineapple. I grew one many years ago as my science fair project. It isn’t anything that can be done fast but it can happen. I have one that I started this past summer, I can’t wait for it to warm up so I can set it back out in the sun. :)
So totally going to try many of this suggestions! Thank you for posting this.
Sunflower328 | January 23, 2014 at 00:26
oh me too!! I’m concerned about the amount of sun these veggies need to re-sprout.. any suggestions?
does it have to be full sun in the window, or just in a window that gets good daylight??-
Carla Dahl | January 24, 2014 at 01:47
Most sun loving plants….(almost all vegitables and fruit are sun loving) NEED 6-8 Hours of Direct Sunlight :-)
Wendy | January 24, 2014 at 03:34
I am so excited about the possibilities here! We have a mason jar with green onions in them in a northern facing window and the grow really well and their taste is mu stronger that store bought, Can wait to try the other ideas. Just Brilliant!
Thank you for sharing this!
garlic grows like onions so you should have no problems growing it. Make sure that you put the root part down. It is very easy to grow outside. Be careful where you plant it though because it does spread.
Poicale | January 23, 2014 at 06:53
someone wrote it works with ginger too, does anyone have experience?
Elizabeth | January 24, 2014 at 17:32
I didn’t use my ginger and it started to sprout. I planted it in soil in a clay pot on my front porch and it’s growing leaves. I did the same thing with fresh turmeric root. I haven’t attempted to harvest the roots yet. I live in a year round mild climate.
nansi | February 9, 2014 at 05:48
I grow ginger regularly; live in coastal BC so it’s indoor except short part of summer. Small, but potent roots and tasty leaves – worthwhile!
This is awesome!! I’ve saved the seeds from favorite flowers, then planted them in the Spring, never having to buy new seeds. My Grama was raised on a farm, growing everything from scratch, and as I remember, she always had plant cuttings started in jars on all the window sills. Can you imagine how pure the food would be with no additives like in stores today?
Andrea Bowen | January 23, 2014 at 12:08
You can grow all kinds of sprouts in a jar. I got my seeds at a health food store but I would think a store like Whole Foods would carry them and you could find the instructions on line.
lkhunsaker | January 25, 2014 at 10:40
I grow sprouts all the time from dried lentils. Soak them overnight. In the morning, wash them off and cover them lightly with see-through plastic (I use a Chinese takeout container that comes with lid and don’t close it completely). Rinse once a day (you want them to stay moist) and recover them, and in about 5 days, you have sprouts for salads and sandwiches. You can soak them for a bit when they’re done to help separate the shells out. Let them dry and store in the refrigerator.
Does this have to continue in water, or can you replant in potting soil? Can it grow indoors during the winter?
Chelle Salinas | January 23, 2014 at 16:55
I’ve put my stuff in soil after it grew a little in the water. That way out gets the nutrition it needs :) I just put them in the window in the window and move them somewhere warm when it gets really cold.
Doreen Rich | January 23, 2014 at 11:25
google growing sprouts as I have seen it somewhere … using a jar and wet paper toweling, I believe
Karen | January 31, 2014 at 13:15
Broccoli will regrow smaller heads after the original heads are cut off. I grow them outdoors in the fall and winter in Florida.
Take a stalk of lemon grass.. put in water until it roots about an inch of water in a vase will do.. change water weekly. roots will grow .. then plant outside.. you will have a bush in a month or two.. harvest the stalks before the frost..
Bab Lara | January 23, 2014 at 14:22
You can grow just about anything like this. If you have something you use the cut leaves of, like herbs you can cut a small section off with about 3 or 4 leaves. Very carefully use a razor blade to scrape off the green from one side of the stem, revealing the white pith inside. Do not remove or touch the pith. This works best if you dip the cut in an organic root starter. Let it sit for a few minutes while you fill your small jar. You can kep them from falling over by making a tight grid over the jar with duct tape or rubber bands. Or cut a ice of foam to fit into the top. Cut a tiny hole in the center of the foam and 1 cut from center to outer edge. Insert sprig by opening the split and sliding the stem into the little hole. Inset the foam and stem into the top of the jar.
Aso, all methods work best if the jar is painted or covered to recreate the darkness of soil. You can paint with different dark colors to make a pretty arrangement. Be sure to change the water every 2 days or so. If you want to fertilize use organics. No fertilization until roots are well set. Use 1/2 the amount because there is no soil to take any up.-
angel | June 12, 2014 at 21:52
When I put them in the jar, do I want the bottom to be far above the water line, just barely in the water? Im simple minded.
Deb Boothe | January 23, 2014 at 17:23
When I use green onions I leave the white part with the roots and a about on inch of the green part, put in a pot of soil and there you go, Green onions when you need them. I always have green onions for my recipes.
Chris | January 23, 2014 at 22:11
I’ve tossed the seeds from bell pepper in soil and they’ve grown and produced
IF you have a craving for pineapple, the same thing works for pineapple.
It’s exactly how the plantations re-grow their fields in Hawaii.
They use the same plant for about 4 or 5 seasons (harvests), then replant the fields with the crowns of the last harvest.
The new fruit grows out of the top of the pineapple. So, each time one fruits, cut off the crown of the fruit, and plant that one. The sweetest harvest is normally the third or fourth harvest – or so I’ve heard.
* * *
In commercial farming, flowering can be induced artificially, and the early harvesting of the main fruit can encourage the development of a second crop of smaller fruits. Once removed during cleaning, the top of the pineapple can be planted in soil and a new plant will grow. Slips and suckers are planted commercially. [ ] -
Audrey N | January 24, 2014 at 01:16
I am living in Northern Ontario and it is cold up here. I have recently heard about doing this with a green onion and put 3 end cuttings into a glass jar under a week ago. I’ve changed the water every couple of days and the roots are really growing as well as a bit of green growth coming up from the bulb end. My window gets a morning sun and a draft. I keep the kitchen around 15′C at night and 18′C in the daytime, so it is not like a hothouse at all.
I had purchased some pots to plant herbs in last fall and was not able to buy any seeds as it was too late in the season. I am very interested though in growing basil, parsley and a few other things in my kitchen come May (once our snow is melting). Any suggestions? i HAD been interested in doing cherry or grape tomatoes and some other food in a large planter inside my dining room (full window to almost the floor), but read that the soil needs to be acidic for the tomatoes and I have no idea what would grow well with it, unless perhaps a flower of some sort?
Is anyone experienced with doing this at all? If so suggestions are more than welcome as we get our groceries shipped up and they are not fresh by the time they arrive, not to mention the cost added to the items for the shipping is out-pricing my desire to purchase fresh produce if possible!
Suzanne Monge-Kosic | January 24, 2014 at 10:02
There are many sites which will instruct you as to how to grow indoors. Just plug in your question in your search bar and see what “grows" for you to read!
Karen | February 3, 2014 at 06:14
Do you have any idea how many times you can re-grow the same plant? What I mean is can you use up the romaine, do the jar and water trick to re-grow, put it back in your fridge, use it all up again, and do the jar and water trick again? Or is it more of a one time thing?
Paula Kartes | March 5, 2014 at 21:42
I am in Ontario (more southern), and have garlic greens and green onions in a pot of soil in my kitchen. I cut the greens every two days. I have the best luck with herbs if I go them in a pot all summer and then bring it in the same pot. I have trouble getting enough light indoors to grow basil without it getting leggy.
Wendy | January 24, 2014 at 03:48
Do you have to plant every starter in soil? I just leave my green onions in water all of the time. We used to put them in soil but it go too hot so we brought them in in water and they are great.
Would Broccoli work too? That’d be exciting. If you can grow indoors you can get everything all year round! -
Just why would you ever use Iceberg Lettuce, There are no nutrients in that.
Martha | January 27, 2014 at 15:58
Iceberg Lettuce has very few nutrients. The easiest lettuce to grow would probably be romaine or any of the loose leaf lettuces. In the south we refer to the loose leaf lettuces as “cut and come again lettuces".
Erin | February 28, 2014 at 03:36
Katie, I’m not going to judge you for liking iceberg. It tastes good and is full of water, which your body needs. I am not going to question someone why they drink water when there is no nutrients in it. Water is good for you if you get it through food or drinking it.
Jax | March 3, 2014 at 21:00
But there are nutrients in iceberg, just not as many as in other varieties! Plus if you like the taste and it’s not junk, why not? On my sandwiches, I prefer iceberg, but in salad, I like other varieties. And water is always good for you!
Suzanne Monge-Kosic | January 24, 2014 at 09:58
This past summer I planted mango seeds directly into the earth. I now have 5 2.5 foot trees!!! I live in Savannah, Ga and have fruit trees in the area, so I’m hoping the will give fruit in around 5 years until then I will continue to watch the beautiful tree grow.
The nice part about growing this way witch I do all winter long in Ontario is get your kids involved. If you have multi kids place their names on their container and you can really get the excitement going. Also if you have a hard time getting your kids to eat veggies then you can grow COLORED veggies. All you need to do is place a few drops of food dye or natural coloring like beet juice to your carrots and get a really purple carrot/potato ect. for green use parsley juice and so on.
Gary Mize | January 24, 2014 at 21:29
I planted some seeds the other day, and, viola!!!! They are growing into plants that I expect to able to eat….
RoseMary | January 24, 2014 at 23:09
While I was living in Florida I did plant and grow pineapples. The do take about 2-3 years to grow a fruit. It was small but very sweet. I was advised to plant more than one for better results. I will tell you they take up alot of room. Can’t wait to try the celery.
Reblogged this on Pop-Up Diners and commented:
Lettuce re-grows from water -
eunice | January 25, 2014 at 11:17
But u r using bottled or reverse osmosis water tho right? In order for it to be organic u can’t use tap water right? You rinse it every day but do u also. Change the water in the jar everyday as well? I definetly want to try this!!!!
Reblogged this on mahnamahnaddddd and commented:
Just for the onions and lettuce this is going to be great! -
Burrmama | January 25, 2014 at 14:30
Does it need to be suspended vs. sitting on the bottom of the jar or vessel?
my lettuce was growing beautifully…nice and tall…then it started to rot from the inside out :-(
I changed the water everyday…anything else I can do?
The lettuce tasted a little bitter.
The celery was also growing nicely then it went limp :-(
I’m not having good luck! -
Charlene LaVine | January 25, 2014 at 15:31
I have grown sweet potatoes just for fun but right now I have green onions growing. I cut the bottom of a pop bottle off to start them in. It has little pockets to hold the bulbs in. Them moved them to a used plastic container so they can stand up.
Danya Montesinos | January 25, 2014 at 22:01
I bought a bunch of mint. I was trying to keep it as fresh as possible so I put it on a jar with water and now it has roots and neww sprouts. So now I’m growing or at least attempting to grow anything I can possibly can. ^-^
Karen | January 25, 2014 at 23:03
Leave the mint in a container or else it will spread like wildfire and take over. I am still pulling up lemon mint in my herb garden from 4 years ago!
Kari Dorris | January 26, 2014 at 10:17
Same here
, we have spearmint it smells so good. Roots like burmuta grass. -
The trick to planting a spreading plant like mint… take something like a metal wash tub- anything you can knock out the bottom of and literally bury it in the ground. it will contain the Mint, lemon balm, catnip, spearmint etc, but allow it to grow. And sure to harvest it all in the fall and dry it.. great tea…and weed it out rip tons out in the spring or fall, and give it away to anyone who wants it. :)
Gwen | January 25, 2014 at 23:49
so does the lettuce actually root and produce a whole new plant, or does it just send up a few more leaves and then that’s it?
Gwen | January 31, 2014 at 18:41
as an added post – I planted the remaining stalk of romaine and iceberg lettuce, and about 4 days after putting in water they’re both sending up new growth like little champs (just tap water, no special filtered water or add-ins)
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Salat, Basilikum, Möhren, Ingwer… undandere kann man wieder wachsen lassen- wundersame Vermehrung der “Abfälle " aus der Küche -
Janice | January 27, 2014 at 06:33
I have tried the celery and yes it did work I think I could have replanted outside when it gets to be 4inches the stock seemed to be weaker so I cutting and lett it regrow can’t wait to try what the others have done
Martha | January 27, 2014 at 16:00
Most vegetables need at least 6 to 8 hours of full sun each day.
Karen Adams | January 27, 2014 at 19:06
For fertilizer I use dried milk, sugar, and ground up minerals. It makes the plants very strong and healthy.
Brenda Fiedler | April 25, 2014 at 02:20
Would you care to share your formula for fertilizer?? Thanks
JERRY GETZ | January 28, 2014 at 20:00
I may be missing something here, but don’t plants need more than just plain water to grow? I know these will all START to grow! I’ve been doing that sort of thing since Kindergarten (1962).
But what does rinsing accomplish? And how do you deal with the fact that tap water is full of chlorine, etc?-
JERRY GETZ | January 28, 2014 at 20:04
Never mind! I see the answers here already! Way to go, People!
Floyd Simpson | January 28, 2014 at 20:36
I have grown pineapple by cutting off the top and placing it in wet sand until it starts to look like it is growing and then transplant into dirt.
patty | January 28, 2014 at 22:13
Did this with green onions and they are still growing outside, and survived the winter.
Christina | January 29, 2014 at 23:38
Do you know how to do the ginger?? I haven’t tried that and am dying to. Ginger is so good at settling my stomach.
Amazing. Saw this on an an FB share and came to look. What about fertilizer? I am guessing you are going to need some kind of nutrition for the lettuce? Liquid food?
I have regrown spring onions, celery, ginger, among other vegetables. Except for the spring onions, I cut a small slice off at the bottom of the root, and watch them grow!!! never thought of using the small wide mouth cannin jars though, GREAT insight.
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Lisa | February 10, 2014 at 12:49
Really great indeed! May I ask, where did you buy the little jars? I have a lot of them but not as beautiful as the one you use. Thanks in advance!
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Karen Abadie | February 19, 2014 at 17:03
Do I plant my lettuce in dirt or should I keep letting it grow in water? It’s getting some nice new roots.
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Reblogged this on kriyaLiving and commented:
This is pretty cool. -
Sue | March 18, 2014 at 15:33
I’ve been re-growing iceberg lettuce from the core. I want to cut it, but I’m too amazed that it grew. Every time my grown daughter walks by it, she says: “That’s crazy." Love it.
Nice blog! The rabbits came and ate some of my lettuce. I had four plants growing in a rectangular pot outside. They been growing all year, but anyway, after the rabbit came and left one uprooted, I put it in a glass container for looks and it is so healthy. I’m going to try this out! Also, I’d like to try this with ginger.
Susan Sapp | March 20, 2014 at 04:39
Could I ever save some money doing this with Romaine!!!! My diet requires a lot of this type of stuff and am I ever going to give it a try. It is expensive and usually browns within two days (at least some of the leaves) and becomes a soggy mess soon after that. When I buy it, I’ve got to concentrate on that package for meal after meal until it is gone in order to get my money’s worth (HA). I’ll be going to the vegetable stand I have near me today and finding proper vessels for a bunch of it. I may never have to actually buy the stuff for a long time. TANKS!!!!
Amberm | March 25, 2014 at 14:21
Regrowing is the best thing ever! I do it with my green onions and my husband and I have been impressed how fast they grow! Thank goodness you can freeze green onions!
Deb Hudson Sullivan | March 25, 2014 at 15:54
Did this with both red and green swiss chard about 2 weeks ago. My green chard has only grown about an inch and the red swiss chard is now about 3 inches. I water as needed and change all water once a week. Am going to try more things now that I know it works. I have a perfect window that gets sun more than half the day.
this is a very inciteful site , gonna try these methods this spring wil let u know how I do!
Tumbleweed | March 26, 2014 at 11:12
I’ve tried to do this about a hundred times over the last 5 years, and the celery always starts off really well, grows about 3 inches and then the whole thing gets moldy and dies. I don’t know what to do. I change the water almost every day and keep it in the sun. Got any ideas?
ben wichman | March 26, 2014 at 20:32
Yes, but think for a second. Where will the healthy nutrients come from? Water? The soil contains the minerals that make vegetables healthy.
I have been doing this for years, with pineapple and beets of all colours and just cut the top and stick it in the ground…It is as easy as that provided the doggies don’t dig them up!!!
This is so awesome! After I read this I tried it that night! It really works. In two days u could c growth! Amazing!!!! Thanks for sharing
Saying this is cool is an understatement. I’ve thought about starting my own indoor garden in my small home and this is the perfect solution of function and design.
I didn’t read all the comments so somebody probably already said this but you can grow pineapple heads i moist soil. I think they make beautiful ornamentals.
Nicole | April 7, 2014 at 14:10
This is brilliant i grow wheatgrass for my fiance juatdid my first harvest after 10 days and put it in juicer.. I got a glass worth but it tasted delicious and it helps his liver problems! I had some too and am pregnant 5 minutes later my tummy looks like ufo is jumping on a trampoline in my tummy. Am gona try the onions then
Reblogged this on Jasmine Sumayyah Washington and commented:
This is totally awesome and very practical. I absolutely HATE to waste food. My grandma grew up on a farm and her favorite saying was, “We ate everything on the pig but the oink." haha People need to learn maximize usage of all goods and materials. And, minimize waste. We all should focus more on preservation and recycling as well. Global sustainability and practicalities. It may seem “obnoxious" to go to so much trouble over leftover lettuce but it’s really quite ingenious. These are the types of activities we should be integrating into our public school curriculum. If nothing, at least students will have learned a cool agricultural science lesson. Bottom line, so many people across the globe are starving and our ecosystem is collapsing. Learn to truly appreciate what you have and also, appreciate the bigger picture. -
This is awesome! I just started mine last night and I can’t wait! I did pretty much the same thing with sweet potatoes last year, plucked of the sprouts and put those in water for a few days and planted them in the garden voila! sweet potatoes! I love it!
Kim | April 16, 2014 at 19:27
I grew romain lettuce inside last year untill it was warm enough to plant it outside in my garden. It grew all summer. I also grew celery and kale which lasted all the way up till Oct planted in my garden. Also turnip greens. All were bought at the grocery store and put in water in my kitchen then planted outside in dirt.
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Brenda Fiedler | April 25, 2014 at 02:26
Just planted my romaine lettuce in soil. It has roots about an inch long. Hoping for some nice lettuce this summer.
I was researching my own blog post and found you on Pinterest. I do this with green onions but my eyes are open now to all of the other foods that can re-grow themselves quote easily in my windowsill or garden! Great post:)
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Sue | May 19, 2014 at 07:05
I planted ginger into the ground and it just grew. It does not matter the size, use what you have. It does multiply. To have a larger grouping and prettier stand you would need to break up or use a hand size ginger from the store. It roots and sends up shoot in a few weeks, if I remember correctly.
Tried it for the first time with celery an just set it in a bowl of water an in 1 week it was growing great so planted it in soil then an now just wait.
Jessie | June 18, 2014 at 00:41
You can place root veggies like scallions, carrot scrap, potato on to a plate just make sure there’s water on plate. Roots will grow!! So will veggie
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