Family Emergency Plan Check List

Family Emergency Plan Check List

Making the decision to prepare for emergency begins with a level of awareness. A prepper knows that there are possible threats, and it only makes sense to be as prepared as possible beginning with elemental disaster items to sustain basic needs (food, water, clothing and shelter) and then adding more preparedness layers onto it. Basic disaster items are intended to sustain a person and their family for 3-5 days. One of the common reasons why people do not prepare is because of the overwhelming nature of it all. Having a guide to help with assist in determining what steps need to be taken by you and your family members when an emergency arise.

Family – Make a Plan

Designate an out-of-town contact.
Designate a local contact.
Create a family and/or neighborhood emergency calling list. Each person calls the next person on the list to minimize time on the phone.
Set up a neighborhood meeting place.
Set up an out-of-town meeting place.
Create an information list of names and information on each member (contact information such as phonenumbers and addresses).
Include important papers (birth certificates, marriage license, insurance information, house deeds, life insurance, car insurance) and vital medical information (allergies, blood types, medical prescriptions needed) on family members and pets , including doctors phone numbers and veterinary phone numbers and addresses.
Create emergency wallet cards with emergency information.
Print out plan to put in G.O.O.D Manual and email to family members.

3 Day Essentials – 72 Hour Kits

Create a 72 hour menu and pack food. Keep these considerations in mind with meal planning.
Have these essential survival tools packed.
Created a vehicle 72 Hour Kit .
Have a water bottle for each family member.
Have cash stored away. For a bug out situation carry 10 of each type of bill. This will ensure you have plenty of money for an emergency.
Have season appropriate clothing packed. The layered approach is best and will cut down on space.
Have a good pair of walking shoes or hiking boots for every family member.
Have a means of shelter such as a tent or tarp.

Information Sources of Possible Disasters in Your Area and Country

Collecting information on disasters that threaten your area is a great way to research the disasters as well as prepare for them. Here is a list of the common types of emergency people typically prepare for:

Fire Safety
Heat Safety
Flash Mob
Nuclear Disaster

Click here fore more disaster preparedness information.

Tess Pennington is the author of The Prepper’s Cookbook: 300 Recipes to Turn Your Emergency Food into Nutritious, Delicious, Life-Saving Meals . When a catastrophic collapse cripples society, grocery store shelves will empty within days. But if you follow this book’s plan for stocking, organizing and maintaining a proper emergency food supply, your family will have plenty to eat for weeks, months or even years. Visit her web site at .

This information has been made available by Ready Nutrition