Disaster Protocols
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I was thinking of writing down a few protocols for myself in a notebook, but realized that many brains are better than one, and others can benefit from this too so maybe we can help each other. By protocol I mean a list of instructions of what to do in case of various disasters. Often when a disaster strikes we might be panicked, scared, etc., and not thinking straight. We could forget things. This is a sort of checklist. This is not a list of what to buy beforehand.
So for instance, if there's a blackout and I don't know the causes (could be temporary event of just a few days, could be a global solar-induced EMP):
Blackout Protocol
1. Check for cell reception. No reception means blackout extends beyond immediate vicinity. See whether electronics functions. No functionality despite previously charged battery means EMP.
2. Fill all available water containers while there is still pressure in the pipes. Bathtub jugs, cooking pots, plastic containers. Filter, purify later. Can add a drop of bleach per litre to help preserve water.
3. Close curtains, window shutters, etc., for better privacy while tub filling.
4. Prepare bug out bag (compress sleeping bag, add water, whatever) and leave next to bed (not one of your exits) so that it's ready to go.
5. Take stock of existing food supply, water litres, batteries (if not EMP), candles, and other supplies. Write them down and develop a rationing plan you must stick to.
6. Arm yourself while indoors.
7. Observe what neighbors are doing. Try to gather information by whatever means possible.
8. Do not turn on any generators unless you have no proximate neighbors.
9. ...?
So, if anyone would like to pitch in, you can create your own protocol in case of whatever disaster, or add to the above, or argue about the order of priority. If we're really ambitious we could design preparedness posters to stick on walls, kind of like the fire escape route you see on the back of hotel doors. I'm not too bad with Inkscape vector design software
I was thinking of writing down a few protocols for myself in a notebook, but realized that many brains are better than one, and others can benefit from this too so maybe we can help each other. By protocol I mean a list of instructions of what to do in case of various disasters. Often when a disaster strikes we might be panicked, scared, etc., and not thinking straight. We could forget things. This is a sort of checklist. This is not a list of what to buy beforehand.
So for instance, if there's a blackout and I don't know the causes (could be temporary event of just a few days, could be a global solar-induced EMP):
Blackout Protocol
1. Check for cell reception. No reception means blackout extends beyond immediate vicinity. See whether electronics functions. No functionality despite previously charged battery means EMP.
2. Fill all available water containers while there is still pressure in the pipes. Bathtub jugs, cooking pots, plastic containers. Filter, purify later. Can add a drop of bleach per litre to help preserve water.
3. Close curtains, window shutters, etc., for better privacy while tub filling.
4. Prepare bug out bag (compress sleeping bag, add water, whatever) and leave next to bed (not one of your exits) so that it's ready to go.
5. Take stock of existing food supply, water litres, batteries (if not EMP), candles, and other supplies. Write them down and develop a rationing plan you must stick to.
6. Arm yourself while indoors.
7. Observe what neighbors are doing. Try to gather information by whatever means possible.
8. Do not turn on any generators unless you have no proximate neighbors.
9. ...?
So, if anyone would like to pitch in, you can create your own protocol in case of whatever disaster, or add to the above, or argue about the order of priority. If we're really ambitious we could design preparedness posters to stick on walls, kind of like the fire escape route you see on the back of hotel doors. I'm not too bad with Inkscape vector design software