Preparedness Binder

- Prepper
- Posts: 27
- Karma: 0
- New TSP Forum member
I have came up with an idea to make a preparedness binder for my wife. She is ok with my preparedness but far from on board. My main worry is that something will happen while I am away and she will not know how to handle it.
Here is what I am thinking of including:
Instructions on what to do in case of:
Power Outage
Water Outage
Local Disaster
How to's for:
Cooking without electric
Operating wood stove
Operating gas heater
Just stuff like that. Does anyone have anything similar and what did you include in it?
Also any additional ideas would be appreciated.
Here is what I am thinking of including:
Instructions on what to do in case of:
Power Outage
Water Outage
Local Disaster
How to's for:
Cooking without electric
Operating wood stove
Operating gas heater
Just stuff like that. Does anyone have anything similar and what did you include in it?
Also any additional ideas would be appreciated.

We have exactly what you just described. We have both the electronic versions on the iphones and the laptop, and we have two printed versions, one with our preps in her BOB and one on our bookshelf. She is on board, but doesn't know exactly what to do in every situation. Eases my mind about things when I am away.

Adam B.
- Survivalist Mentor
- Posts: 506
- Karma: 16
- New TSP Forum member
Not a bad idea. I already know it would help out at my house. Just trying to have a clean, organized house with 2 kids is impossible, let alone having them prepared.
LMFAO — I had to listen to my teenage daughter run her mouth about how she is starving and there is no food in the house when 10 minutes later I am serving her (and myself) nachos with cheese sauce and 2 choices of salsa (mild, or black bean & corn)... Which took me all of 5 minutes to prepare. I had to tell her "just because we don't have anything you can just toss in the microwave and eat 4 minutes later doesn't mean we have no food. AND you STILL got to eat total JUNK in the same amount of time it would have taken you to microwave some JUNK."
So, dealing with that mindset — a Jr. Paris Hilton who can't even figure out how to cook a pop tart, it would probably be a good idea to have some "what to do if the power goes out" kind of information for her sake, and for my girlfriend who always ends up calling me if something like that happens.
LMFAO — I had to listen to my teenage daughter run her mouth about how she is starving and there is no food in the house when 10 minutes later I am serving her (and myself) nachos with cheese sauce and 2 choices of salsa (mild, or black bean & corn)... Which took me all of 5 minutes to prepare. I had to tell her "just because we don't have anything you can just toss in the microwave and eat 4 minutes later doesn't mean we have no food. AND you STILL got to eat total JUNK in the same amount of time it would have taken you to microwave some JUNK."
So, dealing with that mindset — a Jr. Paris Hilton who can't even figure out how to cook a pop tart, it would probably be a good idea to have some "what to do if the power goes out" kind of information for her sake, and for my girlfriend who always ends up calling me if something like that happens.

- Senior Survivalist
- Posts: 289
- Karma: 12
Add to it your will, living will, health and general powers of attorney, etc.

A relatively "up to date" online version of my treatise, "Sustainable Civilization: From the Grass Roots Up" many of the appendices linked, such as the basics of the food production appendix is available online at:
- Survivalist Mentor
- Posts: 410
- Karma: 17
- gunning in Iraq
I have a binder with printed off things of interest, like how much bleach to put in water to purify it,
what plants are edible, how honey is an antiseptic etc.
and its not just for me, it will help when I try to convince someone that you can put bleach in water and drink it.
or put honey on an open cut if you have no other antiseptic.
this way I have printed detailed references I can show them. and info to fall back on if I forget.
what plants are edible, how honey is an antiseptic etc.
and its not just for me, it will help when I try to convince someone that you can put bleach in water and drink it.
or put honey on an open cut if you have no other antiseptic.
this way I have printed detailed references I can show them. and info to fall back on if I forget.

- Prepper
- Posts: 87
- Karma: 7
I have also been putting a binder together as well. It is a working document; updated as regularly as needed.
In it, I have the same sort of "how-to" instructions for common, every day emergencies, but I also include medical information, maps, inventories, contacts, etc. as part of my Bug-Out Plan. Basically, it is everything I have on my computer, and partially in my mind, as hard-copies -- I call it my "smart-book."
In it, I have the same sort of "how-to" instructions for common, every day emergencies, but I also include medical information, maps, inventories, contacts, etc. as part of my Bug-Out Plan. Basically, it is everything I have on my computer, and partially in my mind, as hard-copies -- I call it my "smart-book."

Living is simple; life is complicated.
- Survivalist Mentor
- Posts: 682
- Karma: 21
- "He is a platypus, they don't do much." - Phineas
Jeez, I have so much to do.

“A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects." Robert Heinlein
"There's this new thing called Situational Awareness!" Sterling Archer
"There's this new thing called Situational Awareness!" Sterling Archer
- Survival Demonstrator
- Posts: 3698
- Karma: 172
I like the idea and I need to take it a step further. Our 90 year old house is quirky with separate septic systems, city and well water sources, and a mixture of plumbing from galvanized steel to copper, pvc and PEX. I really need to create a guide book for shutting things down in the fall and starting things up in the spring, how to shut off the water, how to run the pumps, where various clogs can be cleared, etc. If I died the wife would spend a small fortune on plumbers and handimen just keeping the ol' place running.

"There are things that you don't question when your home always smells like baking bread." From The Hunger Games
- I know Cedar can, she can take a rainy day and turn it into an apple pie.
- Survival Demonstrator
- Posts: 3420
- Karma: 168
- Dont wait for the storm to pass, dance in the rain
who can't even figure out how to cook a pop tart...
Ummmm.. you cook poptarts?

- I know Cedar can, she can take a rainy day and turn it into an apple pie.
- Survival Demonstrator
- Posts: 3420
- Karma: 168
- Dont wait for the storm to pass, dance in the rain
Jeez, I have so much to do.
Don't get overwhelmed about it. Just do one-step-at-a-time. AND keep it fun, not a chore.

- Survivalist Mentor
- Posts: 682
- Karma: 21
- "He is a platypus, they don't do much." - Phineas
Don't get overwhelmed about it. Just do one-step-at-a-time. AND keep it fun, not a chore.
I have a to-do list and my goal is to do something towards progress on the list every day. Not cross something off, just make progress. But that list keeps growing. I guess it is part of the inevitable process of learning all of the things that can be done to make yourself more self sufficient. This thread is awesome because I just had a bullet point that said "Make a Preparedness Binder". At least I now have a bunch of smaller bullet points to put under the big bullet point that I can cross off.
Yay crossing stuff off.

“A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects." Robert Heinlein
"There's this new thing called Situational Awareness!" Sterling Archer
"There's this new thing called Situational Awareness!" Sterling Archer
- Survivor
- Posts: 194
- Karma: 21
- Prepper Mom
I like the idea and I need to take it a step further. Our 90 year old house is quirky with separate septic systems, city and well water sources, and a mixture of plumbing from galvanized steel to copper, pvc and PEX. I really need to create a guide book for shutting things down in the fall and starting things up in the spring, how to shut off the water, how to run the pumps, where various clogs can be cleared, etc. If I died the wife would spend a small fortune on plumbers and handimen just keeping the ol' place running.I also did this. With added steps for turning off the gas to the house, to the furnace and to the hot water heater. I copied those pages and put them in a small clear tote with the water key and the tools needed to turn everything off including an extra fire place key.

I'll keep my guns, freedom and money. You can keep your "Change".
Sometimes I sits and thinks, sometimes I just sits. My Pop
I have checked my list of favorite people, you're not on it. Lincoln Lawyer

Sometimes I sits and thinks, sometimes I just sits. My Pop
I have checked my list of favorite people, you're not on it. Lincoln Lawyer
Having nearly a year's worth of stored food I sent my picture in to several government agencies in hopes of making the "Most Wanted Walls" and to be declared a supervillain.

- Survivalist Mentor
- Posts: 332
- Karma: 4
- Born to be an Alaskan
You might want to add a brief section on protecting the house.
She doesn't have to be a marksman, but ask this question to some random people... What is the most recognizable sound in the world?
Answer: Actuating a Pump Shotgun
You don't have to even have ammunition... if someone is breaking into your house and they hear a shotgun pump in the next room, chances are good that they are going to leave quickly.
She doesn't have to be a marksman, but ask this question to some random people... What is the most recognizable sound in the world?
Answer: Actuating a Pump Shotgun
You don't have to even have ammunition... if someone is breaking into your house and they hear a shotgun pump in the next room, chances are good that they are going to leave quickly.

- Survivor
- Posts: 175
- Karma: 5
Check: Adding this to the other list of things to do.
Funny how the list building is ongoing but somedays I look at what I have already done and smile. One step at a time...
Funny how the list building is ongoing but somedays I look at what I have already done and smile. One step at a time...

I tell ye true, liberty is the best of all things; never live beneath the noose of a servile halter.²
- William Wallace, Address to the Scots, circa 1300
- William Wallace, Address to the Scots, circa 1300
- Survivor
- Posts: 108
- Karma: 3
- New TSP Forum member
I think a binder is a great idea. I'm going to sound like I'm picking on my wife, but if I ever get around to creating a binder like this it would have to be a heavily illustrated with pictures so she'd understand. For instance: I'd include a picture of the main water shutoff valve and it's location and put an arrow showing the direction to turn the valve. That might sound rediculously obvious but in a stressful situation it could make life much easier for a family member that is not of the "handyman/survival" mindset. Keep it simple... My 0.02...

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
- More Evil Than You Know
- Global Moderator
- Survival Demonstrator
- Posts: 2699
- Karma: 103
- Please, please take us for a ride!
I think a binder is a great idea. I'm going to sound like I'm picking on my wife, but if I ever get around to creating a binder like this it would have to be a heavily illustrated with pictures so she'd understand. For instance: I'd include a picture of the main water shutoff valve and it's location and put an arrow showing the direction to turn the valve. That might sound rediculously obvious but in a stressful situation it could make life much easier for a family member that is not of the "handyman/survival" mindset. Keep it simple... My 0.02...TLBones I like what you wrote. Some of us ladies usually aren't taught this stuff (well except Cedar and SisterWolf who probably can build their own houses

In a stressful situation ie water flooding your house this is perfect - just make sure the binder is absolutely accessible and everyone knows where it is. And the simpler the better cuz when it's panic time simple is best.
I had this situation once as a fairly new bride and I had no freaking idea what to do (hey what can I say I moved out on my own when I was barely 17 and didn't know squat). I had to track my dh down at work and he had to talk me through it (I think yelled me through it is a better description - he wasn't too happy because he was rebuilding a coal mill at the time). But I learned and in the many years since when he does repairs or such I follow him around and ask questions because it helps both of us for me to know this stuff.
And if you have older kids who are left home alone they need to know some of this too.

My goal in life is to be as good of a person my dog already thinks I am. ~Author Unknown
America will never be destroyed from outside.
If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." Abraham Lincoln

America will never be destroyed from outside.
If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." Abraham Lincoln
DEV being nice... sorta goes along with dogs howling, babies bursting into tears, birds suddenly becoming silent, and an ominous greenish lighting spreading across the landscape...

- I know Cedar can, she can take a rainy day and turn it into an apple pie.
- Survival Demonstrator
- Posts: 3420
- Karma: 168
- Dont wait for the storm to pass, dance in the rain
TLBones I like what you wrote. Some of us ladies usually aren't taught this stuff (well except Cedar and SisterWolf who probably can build their own houses
Taught? More like error and trial for me. This button works.. this one doesn't. Pressure tank frozen? OK.. lets try the blowdryer/chick heat lamp on it and hope the pipes don't crack...
And no.. I have not built a house all by myself, but I have helped out. I probably know enough to build a small cabin alone.

- More Evil Than You Know
- Global Moderator
- Survival Demonstrator
- Posts: 2699
- Karma: 103
- Please, please take us for a ride!
And no.. I have not built a house all by myself, but I have helped out. I probably know enough to build a small cabin alone.
See! I knew that! That's why we love you!

My goal in life is to be as good of a person my dog already thinks I am. ~Author Unknown
America will never be destroyed from outside.
If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." Abraham Lincoln

America will never be destroyed from outside.
If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." Abraham Lincoln
DEV being nice... sorta goes along with dogs howling, babies bursting into tears, birds suddenly becoming silent, and an ominous greenish lighting spreading across the landscape...

Taught? More like error and trial for me. This button works.. this one doesn't. Pressure tank frozen? OK.. lets try the blowdryer/chick heat lamp on it and hope the pipes don't crack...and you could scavenge 98% of the materials off of CL...
And no.. I have not built a house all by myself, but I have helped out. I probably know enough to build a small cabin alone.

From a friend: Benjamin Franklin once said that beer is proof that God loves us.
I'm of the opinion that Redheads are proof that, contrary to popular belief, Satan also loves us.
- Survivor
- Posts: 194
- Karma: 21
- Prepper Mom
Some of us ladies usually aren't taught this stuff....I giggle at all my girlfriends who have to call repair men or wait till their husbands get home to fix stuff, I won't lie about it. One of the perks of being the oldest in a house full of girls, Daddy never got a boy to teach all the stuff to and I am thankful everyday for my Daddy!
He taught me basic home repair, electrical, plumbing and just about anything to do with a furance, condensor or thermostat (he's been a HVC guy for 40 years) basic car stuff (I can change lights, brakes, fuses, oil & tires) and how to reload.
I have taken it upon my self to follow the hubby around as well and there is some stuff I can teach him (rarely) and we make sure we include the kids (both girls) in all repairs.

I'll keep my guns, freedom and money. You can keep your "Change".
Sometimes I sits and thinks, sometimes I just sits. My Pop
I have checked my list of favorite people, you're not on it. Lincoln Lawyer

Sometimes I sits and thinks, sometimes I just sits. My Pop
I have checked my list of favorite people, you're not on it. Lincoln Lawyer
Having nearly a year's worth of stored food I sent my picture in to several government agencies in hopes of making the "Most Wanted Walls" and to be declared a supervillain.

- I know Cedar can, she can take a rainy day and turn it into an apple pie.
- Survival Demonstrator
- Posts: 3420
- Karma: 168
- Dont wait for the storm to pass, dance in the rain
and you could scavenge 98% of the materials off of CL...
That is more than probably true... I have the propane hot water heater and new vinyl windows already

I probably know enough to build a small cabin alone.
Bull...I'd bet half my paycheck you could build a house

Bull...I'd bet half my paycheck you could build a housetake the bet! take the bet!

From a friend: Benjamin Franklin once said that beer is proof that God loves us.
I'm of the opinion that Redheads are proof that, contrary to popular belief, Satan also loves us.
- Prepper
- Posts: 89
- Karma: 5
This is a really good idea, thanks. We have a list of things that we would pack if we had to evacuate, but having a binder with how to deal with various things, etc is a great idea.

- I know Cedar can, she can take a rainy day and turn it into an apple pie.
- Survival Demonstrator
- Posts: 3420
- Karma: 168
- Dont wait for the storm to pass, dance in the rain
Bull...I'd bet half my paycheck you could build a house
How big?


- Prepper
- Posts: 27
- Karma: 0
- New TSP Forum member
It sounds like I'm getting good suggestions. So I'm going to start on this little (lol) project this week. I have good news for all of you that want this for yourself. I want to share my copy as I make it. I just have to figure out just how to do this and everyone on here will be able to use it.

- Survivalist Mentor
- Posts: 682
- Karma: 21
- "He is a platypus, they don't do much." - Phineas
It sounds like I'm getting good suggestions. So I'm going to start on this little (lol) project this week. I have good news for all of you that want this for yourself. I want to share my copy as I make it. I just have to figure out just how to do this and everyone on here will be able to use it.
Awesome. Sounds like a new sticky.

“A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects." Robert Heinlein
"There's this new thing called Situational Awareness!" Sterling Archer
"There's this new thing called Situational Awareness!" Sterling Archer
Adam B.
- Survivalist Mentor
- Posts: 506
- Karma: 16
- New TSP Forum member
Ummmm.. you cook poptarts?
Exactly... LOL... I meant — "put them in a toaster and push the button" LOL...

- Survivalist Mentor
- Posts: 332
- Karma: 4
- Born to be an Alaskan
Exactly... LOL... I meant — "put them in a toaster and push the button" LOL...
Or you just open the package and eat it as is. I actually prefer them non-toasted. Haven't had pop-tarts in a while though... mmmmm

- I know Cedar can, she can take a rainy day and turn it into an apple pie.
- Survival Demonstrator
- Posts: 3420
- Karma: 168
- Dont wait for the storm to pass, dance in the rain
Or you just open the package and eat it as is. I actually prefer them non-toasted. Haven't had pop-tarts in a while though... mmmmm
And here I usually always ate them frozen out on the trail. Wonders of all wonders... you can cook them... Go figure


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