Lawn mower problems for a novice - Lawn Mowers Forum - GardenWeb

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Lawn mower problems for a novice

Posted by dmc22 Ohio (My Page) on
Mon, May 11, 09 at 14:44

I have 6.75 horsepower 21" rear discharge rotary lawn mower model number 917.388610. I have had it for 9 years now, and just recently when I start the mower it runs for about 25 seconds then shut off. I have checked the oil,gas,gas cap, and air filter, and everything's fine with the exception of a tiny bit more oil then the line but not by much.

Like I stated I am a novice when it comes to mowers, but I am hoping I can save a few bucks, instead of taking it somewhere to get it fixed.

Does anyone having any suggestions of what the problems might be??


Follow-Up Postings:

RE: Lawn mower problems for a novice

Sorry I forgot to give you the manufacturer Craftsman model 917.388610

RE: Lawn mower problems for a novice

A good place to start is to flush the fuel system and drop the bowl and give the carb a quick clean. Fresh fuel is a must. A carb issue is normally an up and run for a few seconds and die. Does it chug for the 25 seconds or just quit? If it just quits, there are other possibilities, maybe even a funky spark plug.

RE: Lawn mower problems for a novice

Actually it starts and it's sounds like it's running normal for about 20-30 seconds then all of sudden just dies.

I took off the carburator and have cleaned the whole think inside and out with cleaner. I must ask though, how do you reattach the float, I can't get in to stay in place.

Thanks again

RE: Lawn mower problems for a novice

  • Posted by baymee LehighValleyPA (My Page) on
    Tue, May 12, 09 at 14:23

Usually they die long before 25 seconds.

If it uses a Tecumseh carb sticking out the left side of the engine, that could be the problem. They can be weird. The float sometimes hangs up, or it becomes vapor locked. Try gently banging the front wheels, using the handlebar, if you can get it started.

Sometimes the fuel just doesn't flow to the carb, especially if the tank was empty.

RE: Lawn mower problems for a novice

Yep it is a tecumseh carb sticking out the left side of the engine.

I got the tecumseh carb kit replaced the gasket on the float, put the new float seat gasket in and reattached the carb all the lines etc.... started it and it ran for 5 minutes did 1/4 of the yard, then it stopped running and I haven't been able to restart.

RE: Lawn mower problems for a novice

Looks like you need to clean the entire fuel system and know that the fuel from your supply can is clean and fresh. Hense flush the fuel system. Replacing the fuel line could have been a good thing too- whilst you were at the parts counter. Cleaning or even replacing a carb with out servicing the rest of the fuel system buys you about 5 minutes....

RE: Lawn mower problems for a novice

I'm sorry if I ask dumb questions, this is the 1st time I've ever worked on any type of a engine. How do I clean the entire fuel system?

I also heard you could buy a fuel system cleaner is that same.

RE: Lawn mower problems for a novice

  • Posted by baymee LehighValleyPA (My Page) on
    Wed, May 13, 09 at 6:46

Use a turkey baster and remove most of the fuel from the tank and put it into a proper container. Then you can remove the fuel line at the carb connection and drain the rest of the gas into the container, all done with the engine cold and outdoors on a concrete pad. Thoroughly dry the inside of the tank with either compressed air or rags and remove any dust left behind. Hook the fuel line back up if you decide not to replace it. Put about a cup of fuel into the tank. Now loosen the bowl nut on the carb just enough until gas starts seeping out into a small container under the bowl. I like to use the bottom of an milk jug for that job. Drain out about 2 oz. of fuel and retighten the bowl nut. The mower should run. If it doesn't, you have to clean the inside of the carb, or maybe you can add something to the tank, such as Seafoam, available at NAPA and let that do it's work over a longer period of time.

Most problems like your are fixed this way, or by cleaning the main jet as I posted previously. Below.

From time to time the question is asked about why an engine will not run long, or smoothly, or will start with starting fluid and not continue to run. The problem is usually because of a blocked or constricted jet. The small ones are easy to miss.

Shown are 3 of the typical jets and the small holes. All 3 are Tecumseh jets. Briggs jets are similar with the center-bottom hole and one on the side. All these holes need to be fully clean and open for the engine to run correctly.

Some jets only have the center-bottom hole.

RE: Lawn mower problems for a novice

Sorry been gone for a couple days, I did everything you said and it still won't start. Cleaned the jets holes and gas tank with air all the hose were replaced to no avail.

One thing I did notice today, is near the bottom of the oil stick there is a little bit a sludge, could be normal,oil reading is good. Muffler is old but, got to start a couple days before, just doesn't make sense to me.

RE: Lawn mower problems for a novice

  • Posted by baymee LehighValleyPA (My Page) on
    Mon, May 18, 09 at 7:37

Use a small container to catch the gas and loosen the carb's bowl nut a turn or two. Let gas drip for about 30 seconds to affirm that you are getting gas from the tank and tighten the nut again. Then try to start it.

RE: Lawn mower problems for a novice

So I took apart the carb again, and realised that when I replaced the float needle seat, originally I didn't see the original seat so I stuck the new one right on top.

I took them booth out just, put the new one in, cleaned everything while I was in there and it started. Did the whole back yard shut it off. Then it wouldn't restart, so I took the cap and air filter off put some stp gas treatment in then it started did the front and the back again to let the stp work itself in and now everything works fine (cross my finger in 2 weeks). But I shut if off 3 times and each time it started.

Thanks again everybody for the help you guys are awesome, saved me some cash I don't have at the moment.

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